Gold Braces
Getting Gold Braces
Your gold braces treatment will begin with a free initial exam at Crescent Orthodontic Specialists. During that meeting, our orthodontist will perform a careful examination of your mouth – taking x-rays, measurements and scans. This allows us to assess the severity of your dental issues, while creating a customized plan to correct them.
If gold braces are the right treatment for you, they can be put on at your first appointment so you can get started right away. Since they work the same way as silver braces, they are applied the same way too. During your treatment, you will have follow-up appointments every 8 to 10 weeks to ensure your gold braces are working properly.
Benefits of Gold Braces
Patients of all ages love gold braces because they can express themselves with a unique and distinctive look as they straighten their teeth. Plus, because they’re made of high-grade stainless steel (not actual gold), they are extremely strong and can quickly move your teeth – achieving a straight and healthy smile as soon as possible.