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Crescent Orthodontics in Palm Beach Gardens explain what each part of the traditional braces does for you and your teeth

What Each Part of Your Braces Does

We don’t blame you if you find it a bit odd that there are so many parts to ...

Interesting Facts About Orthodontics

If you want to get straight teeth while also setting yourself up for better oral health, choosing orthodontic ...

Playing an Instrument with Braces

The process needed to achieve your ideal smile comes with some adjustments you will need to make. It ...

Getting Your Braces Taken Off

You did it! You’ve successfully reached the end of your orthodontic treatment and you are ready to gaze ...

Can I Drink Soda While I Have Braces?

It’s a question on many orthodontic patients’ minds...what can I eat and drink with braces, and is soda ...

Get to Know Gold Braces

Instead of hiding your orthodontic treatment, have you ever considered making an impression with it? These days, more ...

Why You Might Need Braces Again

When it comes to having braces, you’ve been there, done that, and are ready to live the rest ...

You Stopped Wearing Your Retainer, Now What?

Uh oh. The retainer you thought was lost forever has finally been located in a random corner of ...
Affordable Braces